fun sized

What to do when your child brings home the poor kid.

From Chapter 15 'Outings with the friend' Editors Note:  The following is an excerpt from the New york times bestseller…

12 years ago

Birthday Card #1

I was inspired to create an interesting birthday card the other day, one that a kid might take at least…

12 years ago

New Fun Sized! Episode 74

Well, its been a long while since I have posted a comic, but I am going to start really slow…

12 years ago

December 17, 2011 #73

Well so far so good.  I am somehow finding the time to draw again, so hopefully that continues.

13 years ago

November 7, 2011 #69

Late, as usual.  I thought this was a brilliant idea, and should definitly be a real thing.  Imagine the markup…

13 years ago

October 31, 2011 #68

Happy Halloween everybody!  Stay safe and enjoy taking to the streets for free sugar, I know I will.  My daughter…

13 years ago

October 26, 2011 #67

Here is today's episode!   Things have been hectic as our baby is expected any day now, so be warned of…

13 years ago

October 25, 2011 #66

This is technically Wednesday already, but here is Tuesday's comic!  Today's will be posted later on.

13 years ago

October 24, 2011 #65

It's been about a full week since the last episode, sorry to all who check for updates!   School and raising…

13 years ago

October 17, 2011 #64

If anybody noticed, I did miss a few days last week, but I had a busy one.  But I was…

13 years ago

October 11, 2011 #63

This one of course I am guilty of, as with allot of parents out there.  It is very hard to…

13 years ago

October 10, 2011 #62

This girl's opinion seems very fair to me. It's really such an injustice this is a double standard!

13 years ago

October 6, 2011 #60

Sometimes you have a lack of material to fill up those old baby books that your kids will no doubt…

13 years ago

October 4, 2011 #58

Today's comic is posted super late, technically its after midnight so its not the 4th anymore but I'm cheating.   whatever…

13 years ago