Walmart Advert from the future!


Happy Mothers day!

















Heres to the crazy ones.

Birthday Card #1

I was inspired to create an interesting birthday card the other day, one that a kid might take at least a second look at before the usual shake for money/checks. Enjoy!

Birtdhay card hallmark fry kid deep fried onion rings birtdhay

New Fun Sized! Episode 74

Dora explorer swiper no swiping stealing shoplifting disney nickelodion fun sized comics parenting

Well, its been a long while since I have posted a comic, but I am going to start really slow with about one a week and go from there.  Keep posted, and thanks for reading!

October 31, 2011 #68

Happy Halloween everybody!  Stay safe and enjoy taking to the streets for free sugar, I know I will.  My daughter is donning a nice bumble bee costume this year antenna and all.

Fun sized funny parenting comic halloween 2011 FDA regulations cigerette ads nasty mouth picture rotting

Episode 68

Missed some days, back up Tuesday!

Had a crazy weekend involving crooked towing yards, courthouses, and other insanity so I flaked on my Friday and Monday comic, but I have got Tuesdays ready as well as the rest of the week, so to my readers: Sorry!


True Milk (True Blood parody poster)

As a huge fan of  HBO’s True Blood I had to throw out a parody poster.  I guess the gist is.. formula is the “tru blood” drink  and breast milk is real blood.. makes sense because Formula tastes like crap yes Ive tried it, and so does the fictional drink in the show… apparently..  ok  watch True Blood or that will all sound weird.

True Milk True blood sookie stackhouse parody poster babies fun sized comic cartoon